четверг, 12 января 2012 г.

wiwordik 0.09.1094

Wiwordik version 0.9.1094 was released on 12 January 2012.

The databases of the machine-readable Wiktionary were updated:
  • New version of English Wiktionary data, as of August 10, 2011.
  • New version of Russian Wiktionary data, as of May 21, 2011.
Added (from user's point of view):
Dropdown menu with list of languages (see Figure). List of 742 languages splitted to 3 groups (with tens of thousands words, with thousands of words and all other languages) sorted lexicographically (see left part of Figure, where each line contains - language name, language code, number of entries and number of translations).

Remember, that you can filter list of words, using wildcards (asterisks * and question marks ?). See e.g. list of phrases in Serbo-Croatian by entering "*ка* *", i.e. two words (due to space), where the first word contains substring "ka". See Figure below.

This release is devoted to a Vistula–Oder Offensive, which started 12 January 1945.

суббота, 3 сентября 2011 г.

wiwordik 0.08.1094

Wiwordik version 0.08.1094 was released on 3 September 2011.

It is based on the English Wiktionary dump, as of June 18, 11.

Added (from user's point of view):
A lot of POS headers added to the parser, see table in http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Entry_layout_explained/POS_headers#Other_headers_in_use

This release is devoted to a Beslan school hostage crisis.

пятница, 11 февраля 2011 г.

wiwordik 0.05

Wiwordik version 0.05 was released on 11 February 2011.

It is based on the Russian Wiktionary dump, as of October 1, 2010.

Now the program can be run in one click with Java Web Start.

This release is devoted to a Lockheed XP-38. This plane flies from California to New York in 7 hours 2 minutes on 11 February 1939.

вторник, 11 мая 2010 г.

wiwordik 0.04

Wiwordik version 0.04 was released on 8 May 2010.

It is based on Russian Wiktionary dump, as of April 5, 2010.

Added (from user's point of view):
Removed almost empty entries:
- only with the label {{помета|?}},
- with empty definition, e.g. "[[]]".

Removed references from the definition, i.e. <ref>...<ref>.

Added (from programmer's point of view)
Now one language can have several language codes and several names.

Added fields meaning_summary and label_id to the table relation.

Fixed bug: SQL exception is treated carefully now,
when the Wiktionary page has the error:
two language headers, e.g. == English == and == English == again.

Added error message for the case the Wiktionary article
about foreign word contains translation section.

Fixed bug: now the parsing of "{{заголовок|de|add=|aare}}" is correct
when the parameter "add=" is empty.
Now Aare is not Russian, but German word :)

Modified "Warning message" (The article XXX has translation
into unknown language with code: YY.). The warning will appear only
if there is any non-empty translation.

This release is devoted to Victory Day (9 May).

суббота, 2 января 2010 г.

wiwordik 0.03

Wiwordik version 0.03 was released on 28 December 2009.

This version allows words fast search. It is based on Russian Wiktionary data.

Added (from user's point of view):
  • Filter by the presence of (1) meanings, (2) semantic relations (check boxes)
  • Correct parsing of phrases (e.g. there is now only one phrase "good morning" instead of two: "good morning" and "good_morning")

Added (from programmer's point of view)
  • Indexing of fields in tables: page.page_title (7), wikipedia.page_title (7), inflection.inflected_form (7), wiki_text.text (12), index_native.page_title (7), native_red_link.red_link (7)
Due to this indexing, user can list, e.g. all Finnish words presented in Russian Wiktionary. And don't forget about wildcard characters (? and *). See screenshot.

Welcome to download wiwordik and Happy New Year!